Thursday, January 10, 2013

Three Months Old Today

Today I am three months old. Mom can't believe three months has gone by already and when she and Daddy were talking about it last night he thought it was "crazy" too.

Let's see....what have I been up to in the last month? Well....I told you I started rolling. I'm doing that all the time now. So far just from my belly to my back. I haven't figured out how to to go the other way yet.

I'm sleeping like a champ! My bedtime now is usually around 9:00 - 9:15 p.m. Sometimes I wake around 6:00 because I'm hungry. If I do I get a dry diaper, eat and go right back to sleep....usually takes about 20 minutes. But some nights I sleep right on through until 8:30-9:00 a.m. Mom and Dad said they don't know how they got so lucky to have two babies that are such good sleepers but they did. I guess Cohen was a good sleeper too when he was a baby.

I nap about every hour. Usually just for 30-40 minutes except in the afternoon I still take my big long one that's usually about 2 1/2 -3 hours.

I'm eating a little more now. Mom switched me to the #2 nipple for my bottle so it comes out a little faster and I am tending to finish more of my bottle now. I am eating about 4 ounces every 2-3 hours. I just eat until I'm done or I let Mom and Dad know I'm done by spitting out the nipple. Once I'm done they sit me up and I usually burp right away. Then I'm good for awhile.

I enjoy sitting in my bouncy seat and laying under my play mat. I am in the swing less and less now that I'm moving more. I still like it but I'm enjoying some of my other toys more now.

This past week I learned how to control my voice so I'm making more and more noises and coos. I love to talk and I will have a 'conversation' if anyone talks to me.

Cohen is starting to play with me and talk to me more and more. I think he likes it that I'm starting to do more, like smile and make noises. Sometimes he really gets laughing at me. I LOVE to watch him play. I could sit and just watch him play with his cars or do whatever for the longest time. I love my big brother.

I also have started watching our dog, Marlie too. She kind of fascinates me.

That's about all I'm up to right now. It's been a great three months. I think I've learned a lot already. I wonder what I'll learn in the next month. We shall see I guess!

Three month old baby toes. 

Drooly lip.


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