Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Cyclone Tailgate Tour

Tonight I went to my first Cyclone Tailgate Tour in CR. It was pretty fun. I got to see a lot of coaches and met Cy for the first time. I've heard a lot about him but have never met him until tonight.

Apparently I was also a hit at the event. When we first got there a couple saw me in my Iowa State headband and skirt and were talking to Mom about how cute I was, asking where she got my headband and  then asked Mom if they could take my picture to send to their daughter because they have a granddaughter who is 9 months old. Mom thought they seemed nice enough so she said yet. She thought that was kind of funny but didn't think a whole lot of it. Well it wasn't too much longer a young girl came over and said she loved my skirt and headband and asked if she could take my picture. Mom saw this girl's Mom standing off to the side and was watching. Mom told her that was fine she could take my picture. Ok...so two pictures? A little more time passed and we were waiting in line to get our picture taken with Cy and another lady commented on how cute my skirt was and asked Dad if she could take my picture....THREE!?!

Mom took me over to check out the stuff they were handing out at the event and another gal asked Mom if she took my picture for ISU Markering. FOUR! Four people asked to take my picture in the hour we were at this event. Mom and Dad thought that was pretty funny. I was a popular girl. :)

Here's my skirt Mom made me for tonight and my ISU flower headband. 
This is what everyone wanted a picture of. :)

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