Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Trip to the Cabin

Mom, Dad, Cohen, Marlie and I went and stayed at the cabin a few weeks ago. We only stayed one night but it was a lot of fun. 

We also went way up high on Mt. Hosmer and looked at the Mississippi River. 

Cohen and I liked playing with the "numbers" from Grandma's Soduku game.

Me and Daddy snuggling on the chair. 

Cohen and I having pancakes at the cabin.

Cohen and Dad went on a hike in the woods. I didn't get to go this
time but maybe next time.

Instead of a hike Mom and I explored around the cabin.
I had fun finding "weafs" (leafs)

Us up on Mt. Hosmer. 

Dad and Marlie walking on the lane up to the cabin. 

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